About PRP Therapy
San Diego, CA cosmetic surgeon Dr. Robert A. Shumway now offers platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy at Shumway Cosmetic Surgery for rejuvenating your facial appearance. PRP therapy is one of the most popular and innovative cosmetic treatments in the aesthetic industry today due to its natural origin, restorative properties, and exciting results. The procedure uses your very own plasma to stimulate the skin, decreasing the prevalence of fine lines. For more information about PRP therapy, call Shumway Cosmetic Surgery in San Diego, CA to schedule a consult. We are excited to discuss the benefits of PRP therapy, as well as what it can do for your skin.
PRP Therapy – Ideal Candidates
Men and women with deep wrinkles, uneven skin tone, droopy skin, and volume loss are usually great candidates for PRP therapy. Since it promotes collagen production naturally, it’s also a fantastic treatment choice for rejuvenating dull-colored skin. Speak with Dr. Shumway about any blood disorders, skin conditions, or anemia to determine whether it’s safe for you to undergo PRP therapy. He may also recommend PRP therapy for your skin if you are a recent surgical patient. PRP may aid in the recovery of your skin as it heals from incisions and modifications.
PRP Therapy – Procedure Technique
After you’re comfortably seated in one of our secluded minor procedure areas, a bit of blood will be taken from one of your arms and put into a centrifuge machine. Usually, we take around four tablespoons of blood. After approximately 15 minutes on the centrifuge machine, the components of the blood separate and are then ready to be injected. We will load your condensed plasma into a syringe and inject it into the treatment areas. This process typically only takes around five minutes but can vary patient to patient.
PRP Therapy – What to Expect
Plasma from PRP therapy promotes the production of elastin and collagen naturally to reveal younger and tighter appearing skin. Because it uses your own blood, the risk of allergic reaction or adverse reactions is virtually eliminated. You can expect your face to be a tad red following the procedure as a few red blood cells are included in the injection. Cold packs can be used on the treatment site to reduce discomfort and swelling. Dr. Shumway recommends you undergo treatments in 4 – 6-week intervals to maintain results.
PRP Therapy – FAQ’s
How much does PRP therapy cost?
The cost of PRP therapy will be dependent on the area being treated and if it is combined with another cosmetic procedure. Dr. Shumway will come up with an estimated cost during your initial consultation and discuss all your payment options.
How long do results from PRP therapy last?
PRP therapy has been known to last for 4 – 8 weeks. The longevity of the results will vary with each patient and will depend on the area being treated. The benefit of this procedure is that it does not require surgery or significant downtime.
Will PRP therapy help replenish volume?
PRP therapy cannot increase volume in areas, like your cheeks and lips. Although PRP therapy offers stunning results since it rejuvenates the appearance of the skin and helps promote collagen and elastin, it will not replenish volume. If you wish to contour certain areas on the face that have lost volume, then a dermal filler may be a better choice for you.
Is PRP therapy painful?
PRP injections feel similar to a dermal filler or BOTOX injection with the additional step of the plasma extraction. Typically, most patients will feel a mild pinch or pressure at the time of injection. If you are concerned about pain or discomfort, ask about including local anesthesia during your consultation. If the PRP is only massaged on the skin, then it will not give you any discomfort.

GET Glowing With PRP
With PRP treatments, your complexion will look healthier and brighter than ever before. This treatment is perfect for men and women who want a natural technique for skin rejuvenation that provides gorgeous results. For more information about this exciting procedure, call our San Diego, CA office to schedule a consult with Dr. Shumway.